Friday 21 January 2011

The Last Night : part 2

As I was falling to sleep, I couldn't help going back to the book. Why would Eloise do that if she really loved him? I couldn't imagine ever telling Mike I was going to marry someone else because he didn't earn enough money. It was crazy! Eddie obviously loved her more than she loved him. It was the only way to explain it. Already, I decided that I didn't like Eloise very much as a character, and I was only a page or two in!


The next morning was a Saturday, which meant that there was no need to get up and do anything. Mike was going to be at football until late afternoon and so the day stretched out in front of me. I got dressed and had breakfast, then curled up on the sofa under the spare duvet that I always kept there. As much as I loved it, my one problem with my flat was that it took forever to warm up. I tried to watch some Saturday t.v. but it was not very interesting; a cooking show, a nature show and some kids' t.v. Before long, I was opening the book again.

I walked home after work feeling quite lost. What was I going to do now? How would I manage without her? I could only be thankful that the Peters' had agreed to only make me work my notice of a week instead of the month that was written in my contract. They obviously felt it was a good idea to get me out of the way of Eloise as quickly as possible. I just had to finish fixing up the outside barn, which they were turning into an entertainment area. The builders had been in, so it was just up to me to put the finishing touches to the place before I left. 

I got home and was greeted by my dog, Ace, who, it seemed, had been waiting for his walk all afternoon. His lead was at his feet and he was barking and pawing at me for attention. 

"Okay, okay Ace. We will go for a walk." 

I put down my tools and attached his lead straight away. He was out of the door before I even had a chance to lock it. I walked him out of the village towards the Peters' house without even thinking about it. Before I knew it, we were walking up the back path towards the house. I could just see Eloise's window lit up against the oncoming darkness. She was unaware that I was here, wishing that I could be with her inside that room. Ace interrupted my thoughts as he pulled me off the path after a rabbit. 

By the time we were walking back towards home, Eloise's light had gone out. It was dinner time by the looks of things. I could just see the glow of the dining room lights, illuminating the garden to my right. My heart yearned for me to be in there. Taking part in the family meal, an accepted member of the family. But it had never, and would never, happen. I was not good enough for their little princess. We headed home, with my stomach beginning to rumble. Definitely dinner time. 

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